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Module title:Smart Civil Structures
Module codeENGM025
Module lecturers:Dr Sean Carroll
Module credits:15

The concept of a smart structure is one that has sensing and actuating capability to measure and manage its performance under loading. With a drive for sustainability and resilience achieving a balance with aesthetics and cost, structural engineers, particularly in the UK, are pushed to minimise energy and resources used in construction while ensuring that in operation structures minimise economic and societal cost when something goes wrong.

Examples are floors in open plan offices where use of concrete (whose production globally generates 10% of CO2 output) is minimised while excessive and uncomfortable vibrations are prevented using sophisticated active control technology, and Forth Road Bridge whose operators used a sophisticated sensing system to restore the bridge to full operation very soon after discovery in 2015 of a major structural fault.

Hardware and software technologies for sensing and control are presented in the context of lecturer experience implementing real-world applications.  

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.