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Module title:Research Project
Module codeENEM104
Module lecturers:Prof Asif Tahir
Module credits:60

This dissertation will give you the chance to demonstrate the renewable energy engineering knowledge, to exercise your initiative and personal responsibility, and to use the research techniques and skills you have developed throughout your degree.

You will be required to solve an academic or industry related practical problem based on the topics learned within, but not exclusive to, the Renewable Energy Engineering MSc programme. The project work will lead to a major piece of work (dissertation) of approximately 30,000 words that involves project planning, analytical, experimental or empirical results and their interpretation, showing how the goals of the project have been met. You will receive a list of potential projects and will be required to express your two preferences. Alternatively, you can discuss your own dissertation ideas with the module leader/potential supervisor (academic staff) with a view to explore if they offer required technical rigour and research challenge. You will be encouraged to dis

Project management is a key skill for successful completion of any project. To help develop your project management skills, before commencing your research project you will produce a short, formal research proposal that must be signed off by the Modules coordinator before project commencement.

As part of the research project, you are expected to undertake a considerable amount of self-study. There is no formal taught component in the module, apart from suggested regular meetings with the supervisor.

Pre-requistie modules: All compulsory taught modules for the Renewable Energy Engineering MSc.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.