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Module title:Applied Thermodynamics
Module codeENE2006
Module lecturers:Prof Asif Tahir
Module credits:15

This module blends the skills of physical understanding/intuition with some numerical work.  The concepts covered will be for the main part on the thermodynamic cycles characteristic of many existing machinery (or thermal systems) where heat and work transfer (i.e. energy transfer) take place You will develop the valuable skill of working out the efficiency of a given cycle from first principles.  This will help you to appreciate how a thermal system should operate to maximise its efficiency and reduce energy losses, and thus evaluate its economic viability. Such issues are relevant to renewable energy.  You will have the opportunity to experience a number of working cycles both in class and through  formal labs on refrigeration, for which you will also have the opportunity to learn how to write a well-structured scientific report.  The module should make a nice link with topics on energy management and energy storage.  This module is a typical advanced course on a mechanical engineering degree for second year students so students with prior mechanical engineering (or close) experience should be able to do it.   Prerequisite module: ENE1008 or equivalent.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.