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Module title:Earth History and Palaeontology
Module codeCSM1044
Module lecturers:Dr Sam Hughes
Module credits:15

Every geologist should know about Earth’s history, and in this module you will learn why an understanding of stratigraphical and palaeontological principles is central to achieving this goal. You will start by examining the stratigraphic toolbox available to geologists and how you can apply it to understand geological events in the past, including the origins of life on Earth and its evolution through time. You will then be introduced to the key fossil groups and how we can use their co-occurrence in rocks to date the geological record, to determine past environmental conditions and to improve our understanding of a range of fascinating subject matters including Snowball Earth, mass extinctions and the palaeoecology of ancient animal communities.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.