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Module title:Crystallography, Mineralogy and Gemstones
Module codeCSM1043
Module lecturers:Ms Aveen Hameed
Module credits:15

Mineralogy is the study of Minerals, their chemical composition, internal crystal structure and physical properties. Minerals are the building blocks of the Earth, and are used to identify rocks and also to piece together the history and conditions of rock formation. This module forms one of the fundamentals of Geology, and having the skills to describe and identify minerals is an essential skill for all geologists, and you will use the skills you learn on this course throughout your geology degree.

There are no prerequisite courses, although it is helpful to have studied the introductory geology and chemistry modules. A background in science subjects is useful. The module is suitable for non-specialist students and interdisciplinary pathways.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.