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Module title:Earth and Environmental Chemistry
Module codeCSM1031
Module lecturers: Laura Newsome
Module credits:15

A sound appreciation of chemistry is relevant for understanding the history of the Earth, the environment we live in, and the challenges we face. This module starts with an exploration of atomic structure, highlighting how atoms are classified in the Periodic Table of Elements. Different arrangements of atoms are reviewed, followed by a discussion of ways to make chemical composition and physical structure more readily observable. Fundamental concepts in chemistry as applied to the Earth Sciences, including thermodynamics, isotopes and organic chemistry, are also covered. The distribution of chemicals in natural systems is addressed, emphasising the role and types of chemical reactions in different spheres: the solar system, the Earth, rocks and aqueous environments. The lectures are supported by a programme of laboratory experiments.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.