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Will Ingram, Postgraduate Research Student

Will Ingram - Water They Up To: CWS in the Spotlight

As part of our forntnightly 'Water They Up To: CWS in the Spotlight' series we get to know more about Will Ingram, Postgraduate Research Student.

What is your research about?

I have been undertaking a PhD focusing on new approaches and technologies for rural water supply in sub-Saharan Africa.

What is the most exciting part about your research?

It is probably the opportunity to combine intellectual inquiry with work that might contribute in a small way to improving people's lives somewhere down the line.

When talking about water, what place comes to mind first and why?

One place that springs to mind is Mumbai, in India, specifically because of the open channels of murky wastewater that run beside the city's railway tracks. I spent my Master's year in the city studying heavy metal contamination in municipal wastewater, and I commuted on these trains most days to the laboratory (during what is known as "crush hour"). I have strong memories of hanging from the open train doors looking at this water pass by below, as well as the strips of vegetables being grown which use the water as irrigation.

Which movie or book character would you most associate with water?

I would say nature writer Roger Deakin, who wrote a very beautiful book called 'Waterlog' in which he is the main character. It's an account of his journey swimming through various British waterways, and a reflection on our intimate relationship with water.

To find out more, view Will's profile

Date: 8 June 2021

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